Art of Divination





Tree of Life

Art of Diviantion Guide by Ceremonial Magick  

 Hand Crafted Chart used for Divination using Runes


 By using Diviantion I can correct my persent in order to make my future become better.

The whole purpose and aim of Divnaiton is make are coming futur better and pleasing. 

I use both Easter (Sufism Magick and Western Magick Grimoire).


Divination is used to heal our hearts, bodies and soul.

Divinaiton has been used through out our history to improve our day to day mundane life. And to make us prepare for the coming future. Divination is used as guides,Oracle, and Council. So we can shape our lifes and improves our self mentally, phyiscaly and spirituly.


Free falling of Hand Made Runes Dice on Divination Hand made Divination Matt.


 Divination Magick is practiced in many ways I personally practice the followng:


Tarot Cards Deck

Hand Made Icon Magick Divination Set


 Hand Made Odin Rune Divination Set


Hand Made Ogham Divination Set

20 Sided Dice Used for Divinaiton

Red Set of Dice used for Divination

Seven Chakra Stone Pendulum used for Diviantion

Scrying which used for  Divination

Crystal Gazing & Scryng used for Divination


Psychic Circle is method of Divination.

There are many types, kinds and method of Diviantion system used from ancient history of human civliantion till in our modern time. I have given example of the few of them here are so many system and methods out there for use.

Divination (Yellow)

“Divination, or “far-seeing,” is the art of foretelling or predicating the future or discovering things that are lost, hidden, or secret”.

Gromoire for the Apprentice Wizard by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart

And members of The Grey Council


 I am Dragons Light the Yellow & White Wizard \ Sufi or one may also call me Yellow Wizard Dragons Light the White Sufi proud to be know or called as Journey Man Wizard of Grey School Wizardry my methods are unique and different since my magickal practice in combined and mixed elements of Sufi Magick after all I am the only Shi Ismaili Muslims Yellow Wizard and proud member of Fire Lodge and everlasting Fire.


The Mantic Arts

    Yes there has been hundreds of different divination systems have been invented over the ages-and even given Latin names. Most systems begin with a random distribution of elements, and then attempt to make some magickal sense out of them by finding patterns or matching them against a key. Below here are some brief descriptions of some of the more popular ones:


Aleuromancy(ah-LURE-oh-MAN-see) (bread)- Divination by selecting pieces of bread into which previously-written statement have been baked, as in fortune cookies.


Arithmany(AIR-ith-MAN-see) (numerology)-Divination by numbers, in which words and number are reduced to a signal digit with an assigned mystic meaning.


Bibliomancy (BIB-lee-oh-MAN-see) (book)-Divination by opening a scared book at random and reading what’s on the page.


Cartomany (KAR-toe-MAN-see) (card reading) Divination by cards, particularly the Tarot , But there are other decks of divination cards as well , and even standard playing card can be used.


Catoptromany (ka-TOP-troe-MAN-see) (Mirror gazing) –Divination by moonlight reflected in a mirror or water to see images and visions.


Chiromancy (KY-roe-MAN-see) (palmistry) -Divination a person’s fortune by examining their hands and lines on the palms.


Cleromancy (KLARE-oh-MAN-see) (rune casting) – Divination by tossing markers, upon which symbolic letters have been inscribed.


Geomancy (JEE-ho-MAN-see) (Earth)-Divination by tossing sticks or bones on the ground and interpreting the patterns formed.


Horoscopy (HORE-ho-SCAH-pee) (Astrology)-Divination by the start planets, commonly done by casting horoscope (observation of the hour”).

I Ching (EE-JIN) (Book of Changes) –A Chinese system of divination by casting sticks or coins to obtain any of 64 Trigrams (3-line figures), each with assigned meanings recorded in the book.


Oneiromancy (o-NY-roe-MAN-see) (Dreams) –Divination by noting the elements of a dream and comparing them to an index.


Pyromancy (PY-roe-MAN-see) (fire reading) –Divination by the appearance of flames after throwing in certain powders.


Rhabdomany (RAB-doe-MAN-see) (Dowsing) – Divination with sticks or wands called divining rods, commonly Y –shaped.


Scrying (SKRY-ing) (gazing) – Divination by looking into water, a mirror, a crystal ball, etc. Crystal ball gazing has always been a favorite technique among Wizards.


Taseomancy (TAY-see-oh-MAN-see) (tea readings) –Divination by examining the suggestive patterns of tea leaves left in the bottom of a cup and matching them with assigned meanings.





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Dragons Light the Yellow & White  assumes no liability or responsibility for any actions carried out based upon the advice given. All information offered in the course of a reading is offered as entertainment only and personal use only. Dragons Light the Yellow & White is not liable for your interpretation of the divination scripts offered at this site.

Please see the last page how I took path of magick and mystic.