Art of Divination






Powers of White Color


In Magick & Sufism


By Dragons Light the Yellow & White of Grey School of Wizardry


Some of the greatest joy, love and happiness is sharing the Images of the True world which we all are part of if equally you , and I just like our four fathers has been given certain rights by Divine our Creator call it what you will God\Goddess, Allah , God, Jehovah, Ishvar or the Might Grand Architect of this world and the next world.


I am an Artist, Poet, Sufi, Thinker, Philosopher, Wizard, Mystic, Seeker, Husband, Son, Brother, Friend, and best of it all I am father. I am Seeker of Light (Nur) where ever I find it dose not make difference to me if it is in house of Pagans, Witches, Fire Worshipers, Snake Charmers and crazy drunk Sufi brothers and Sufi brothers and sisters who are the howlers of night. This is a goal and aim of brothers and sisters in path magick and mystic to bring all of us as people of Divine Principle of thought not two, not three, not four, not five, but only Divine Principle of thought.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 He giveth and taketh as He Please


Bow down to His name no matter what language, tradition, cultures, creed, faith, ism you come from.


I and you are living Proof His Great work, call upon His name or her name (feminine) principle called or known as Sophia-Shakit the bringer of life the womb of the Universe, time and Space.

Welcome to my shows where I humbly shows grand mystical and magickal powers of White Color from being of time till now.

Even In Might Darkness there White Light


Muhammad Rasul Allah




Alī ibn Abī ālib






Now Matter how Dark Space His Light (Nur) will always be there.



 Very where you see is you find Mystical and Magickal Power of White Light and Color.

 Keep watching  the Show so you get to know who is your True Lord and Master.


Very Where in that abyss of Darkness of  Space there is  Light (Nur) who made you and me and the Elements, Universe, Cosmos and the atoms too.







 Get know your Creator Now before it is too late there are not second chance.


 Our whole Universe and Cosmos is speck of His Divine Eye.



Even in the Darkest hour this White Color to give us  Light (Nur).