Art of Divination







Yellow Color and Light can be found in Element of the Nature.

I am very humbled to be known or called as the Yellow Wizard.

This is  Allah’s mercy bestowed upon me for which I  have reached so far in my quest on my path in the Mystical Journey.


I could have not done it without help, assistance, mentoring, teachings, and mental, mystical, and spiritual support from students and teachers of Grey School of Wizardry.

My own personal journey into Mysitcal and Magickal path is being to start once I leave the company of my brothers and sisters in Magick at Grey School Wizardry


I will pray to Allah that may He give me enough courage and strength to carry on and shine the name of Grey School of Wizardry as high as mountain Everest because I was not thought any in correct nor wrong from any one may it be a teacher or student.

May Allah guide us all to our paths


Dragons Light the Yellow & White

Member of Fire Lodge

Ever Lasting Fire

May Fire(Nur) keep burning within us all till eternity

In Sha Allah


Do not underestiamte magickal and mystical powers of me.

I kid you not you don't want to end up like me.

So it is better to be nice to him.